
  1. Floor Stand for 5 folding stools STOCKHOLM II / NEW YORK / CHICAGO / SNUPI by Lectus

    Designer: A + E Design
    Year: 2014
    Price:   259,00 €

Our new floor stand provides a flexible and handy solution for five of our folding stools, and can be used with all models; STOCKHOLM II, NEW YORK, CHICAGO and SNUPI. The floor stand can easily be lifted and carried from one place to another, even with the folding stools hanging on it. It measures just over 0.4 x 0.4 meters on the floor and can be placed where best needed for the time being, dimensions: 42 x 41 h 97 cm.


VAT included

in about 1-3 weeks (Depending on the product the date of delivery may vary. Please ask Designlager for detailed Information. You will get a confirmation of your order with delivery details anyway.)
Attention: Because of the resource crisis on the world market (because of covid) the delivery time is longer as usual.

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in addition, our offer price can change because we receive new manufacturer price lists almost every day. Please ask us which price is currently valid before you place order.

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